COP22 04/12/2015

Extreme events managed from space : MOVIMAR

Often in the news, extreme climate situations are sadly becoming more frequent. How are we to deal with violent meteorological phenomena, cataclysmic earthquakes and migration of climate refugees? By using CLS’s world-wide operational satellite solutions for early warning of hurricanes or for managing emergency aid vehicles. A closer look at these operations.

In 2006, the typhoon Chanchu proved devastating when it killed many fishermen. The Vietnamese then decided to equip themselves with a CLS solution: Movimar. This advanced technology has coupled a fishery surveillance system with another for sending early warnings of typhoons by satellite.
3000 Vietnamese fishing boats are equipped with the CLS early-warning system for typhoons.
Three surveillance centres in Vietnam keep watch over the boats and their environment. When they receive a warning the crews can then move away before the storm hits them.