Maritime security

CLS collects all the data from world shipping.
The world’s seas are the daily arena for a variety of illegal activities ranging from pollution (by hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide or sulphur) to trafficking (of illegal immigrants, drugs or precious wood), terrorism, piracy or armed robbery. Since the 2000s, in its role as an operator and provider of value-added satellite services, CLS has been supporting both international authorities and private stakeholders
Maritime surveillance aims to understand, prevent when possible and manage comprehensibly the events and activities occurring at sea that could affect the safety and security of people or property. This includes law enforcement at sea, defence, border controls, protection of the marine environment, fishing control and the economic interests of States.
Since the 2000s, in its role as an operator and provider of value-added satellite services, CLS has been supporting both international authorities (customs officials, coastguards, national navies and international maritime security agencies) and private stakeholders such as freight or insurance companies, purchasers, etc. in their missions:
Intelligence solutions for maritime applications or monitoring fleets of interest, data collection (SSAS, SAT-AIS, VMS, LRIT…), integration, analysis, software, availability of a maritime security centre, the use of drones, etc.
CLS supports Frontex in its mission to rescue migrants in danger in the Mediterrannean Sea.

Programming, acquiring, processing analysing and interpreting high-resolution satellite radar imagery, detecting pollution, identifiying the polluter, forecasting oil slick drift, using drones and onboard sensors designed to detect atmospheric pollution.
CLS analyses radar imagery to detect maritime pollution.
CLS offers a wide range of economic intelligence applications, decision-support tools for maritime fleet managers and real-time surveillance solutions.